Photo by Yona Dutchbunny on Unsplash
As a bunny owner, you must know the dos and don'ts in taking care of pet rabbits. Do you give your bunny some dairy products? It might be beneficial for some people, but not for bunnies. How do you pick up your bunny?
How much time does your bunny have for playtime? Rabbits make great pets, but they're not always easy to care for. To give your rabbit a long and wonderful life, knowing the right ways to take care of them is essential.
Rabbit Care: The Don'ts
Don't pick your rabbit up by the ears.
Rabbits have sensitive ears; you will hurt them when you pick them up by their ears. The rabbit's ears are delicate and fragile—not meant to be picked up or held in any way. A gentle stroke on the head is all that's needed for most rabbits to make them more comfortable around you.
Don't pick up your rabbits by armpits only.
Rabbits are fragile animals, as we always say, and picking your bunny up by the armpits will only cause a fracture on its back because there is no support under its hind legs.
Don't feed your rabbit chocolate, sugary foods, or junk.
It's important to remember that rabbits are herbivores and should be fed a diet of hay and green leafy vegetables. Pellets alone can make a bunny overweight. How much more if you feed it with sugary foods? It can upset their stomach and result in gastrointestinal problems, a deadly disease for bunnies.
Don't feed your rabbit milk, dairy products, or anything with dairy products.
While these items can benefit human consumption (especially infants), rabbits do not tolerate them well. They can experience health problems, especially adult rabbits, as they are lactose intolerant. As The Bunnylady mentioned, rabbits can't properly digest the protein content in milk and other dairy products.
Dairy products can cause diarrhea, bloating, and weight gain in rabbits—without even getting into the other side effects: vomiting, gas, or upset stomachs.
Don't let your rabbit play near electrical cords.
Electrical cords can be dangerous if they are not in good condition and are not being used correctly. If the cord has cuts, it could cause electrocution or a fire hazard for your rabbit and you. You should secure the cables in a box or in a place where your bunny cannot open or find them.
Don't let your rabbit chew house plants.
Some common houseplants are toxic for rabbits. If you are unsure about the plants that aren't good for bunnies, then it's better to ensure you don't have one inside your house or where your bunny can reach.
Rabbit Care: The Dos
Provide your rabbit with a safe and wide place to run around daily.
Rabbits need exercise to stay healthy. They are very active, and as a result, they can get bored quickly if they don't have enough things to do. The best way for you to keep your rabbit happy and healthy is by giving him or her the opportunity for plenty of fresh air, exercise, and playtime.
Give your rabbit a balanced diet.
Providing your bunny with a balanced diet is the most important thing. Rabbits are herbivores, so they need hay, pellets, and fresh veggies to keep their teeth clean. Also, put their water bowls/bottles in the most accessible places so bunnies could hydrate themselves efficiently.
Give your rabbit a clean space.
Rabbits should have clean living spaces where they can move around freely without being stepped on or hurt by other animals in the household; this means having boxes for runs/tunnels/hides for hiding spots as well as plenty of room for toys and enrichment items like puzzle feeders that keep your rabbit busy while teaching them new skills.
Set up at least two litter boxes.
Associated with giving them clean spaces, you should set up your bunny's litter boxes to prevent scatters around the play area or in the house. If your bunny isn't litter trained, watch this video for an effective and simple tutorial.
Disclaimer: We are not professional veterinarians or medical doctors. We created this blog based on our experiences with pet rabbits. We volunteered hours in the rabbit shelter, did extensive pet product research, and asked experienced peers. The purpose of this blog is to provide information about properly taking care of rabbits. Please know that it is still best to visit the vet regularly. For medical emergencies, contact a rabbit-savvy vet. Always observe your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.
Final Thoughts o Rabbit Care Dos and Don'ts
Rabbits are excellent pets for anyone who wants a cute and cuddly companion. The best thing to do when getting a rabbit is to research them before you adopt one to know what kind of care they need.
You need to know many things about bunnies, like the dos and don'ts of taking care of them.
If you're reading this blog to better understand caring for pet rabbits, you are a fantastic bunny parent!
If you are searching for the perfect litter box for your bunny, we got it!
Presenting our version of a litter box, BUMBOX! It is available on Amazon.
Visit HoppScotch.bun today for more helpful blogs like this one, and tell us your experience about caring for your bunny. We will gladly respond!
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