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Spaying/Neutering Bunnies

Two bunnies loafing beside each other

Spaying and neutering your bunny is one of the most important decisions you will make as a bunny parent. It can have a huge impact on their life. Rabbits can be neutered or spayed between 3-6 months.

If you want to adopt a rabbit in the shelter, ask the volunteer to assist you if the bunny is already fixed or if it has a history of a medical condition, then take the bunny to the vet just to make sure it's completely fine.

Changes in Behavior After Neutering/Spaying

You may notice that your bunny is more affectionate and cuddly after spaying or neutering. Not spaying and neutering rabbits also often result in destructive behavior and spraying of urine anywhere.

If your bunnies are fixed, you will notice that the destructive behavior is lessened and the urine spraying is changed to learning how to use the litter box.

Benefits of Neutering/Spaying Rabbits

  • Spaying or neutering your rabbit will reduce the risk of uterine, testicular cancer, and reproductive system tumors.

  • Elimination of unwanted pregnancies.

  • Litter training is easier and more achievable in a shorter time.

  • Rabbits are less destructive. They are calmer and easy to handle.

Unfortunately, uterine cancer is common in female rabbits. It can be treated but is often fatal if not caught early. Spaying your rabbit doesn't ensure that it will not experience uterine cancer but will reduce its risk.

The symptoms of uterine cancer include

  • Withdrawal from social interactions with other animals or people

  • Aggressive behavior

  • Vaginal discharge with blood

  • Lethargy and loss of appetite

  • Cyst in the mammary glands


Pyometra is another life-threatening infection in rabbits. Spaying immediately after female rabbits reach 3-4 months is important to remove the infected uterus. Signs that a female rabbit has Pyometra are when it is excessive drinking and urinating. Other signs are loss of appetite leading to anorexia and depression.

Spaying or Neutering Bunnies is Necessary

Spaying and neutering are highly recommended to prevent health problems and lessen behavioral issues. Fixed rabbits live healthier and happier lives than their intact counterparts.

Female rabbits are less likely to contract uterine cancer (which can be fatal). Intact males are also at risk for testicular cancers. In addition to these medical benefits of spaying or neutering your bunny, there are behavioral benefits.

Unneutered female rabbits who have not been spayed may exhibit difficult behaviors such as excessive chewing and digging on the couch or the carpet. Also, undesirable mating habits with other bunnies lead to violent fights between males or females who do not get along well together; spraying urine in the corners of your house or their playpen will cause stains when it dries out. Imagine the stains and unpleasant smell the urine will cause if they do this often.

Disclaimer: We are not professional veterinarians or medical doctors. We created this blog based on our experiences with pet rabbits, volunteered hours in the rabbit shelter, extensive pet product research, and experienced peers. The purpose of this blog is to provide information about properly taking care of rabbits. Please know that it is still best to visit the vet regularly. For medical emergencies, contact a rabbit-savvy vet. Always observe your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

Final Thoughts on Spaying or Neutering Rabbits

It is essential to know that spaying or neutering a bunny is not just for preventing unwanted litter. It also helps to avoid many health issues and behavioral problems in rabbits that are not fixed. With this knowledge, pet owners can make an informed decision about whether or not their rabbits should be altered.



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